Urban Remedy Three-Day Signature Cleanse: Recap

So, I said that I would document each day in a separate post, however, the first day on the cleanse I had absolutely no energy to write a post about my experience. I came home after work and took a 40 minute nap. That’s rare for me. How the cleanse works is that you drink six drinks per day, one every two hours. The drinks range from being really vegetable-y to really fruity to really “sweet.” Granted, there’s no granulated sugar in any of these drinks. The sweetener substitute is Stevia or natural sugars from the ingredients. Any who, here’s the recap:

Day 1:

This was by far the worst day out of the three. First, I had to give up coffee resulting in a raging migraine by the end of the day. I was able to get through all the drinks, starting with Brainiac which consists of celery, cucumber, parsley, and spinach and ending with Relax, which is cashew milk with vanilla and cinnamon. I drank over 32 oz. of lemon water to help with the hunger cravings, but I was able to eat raw vegetables as well as raw almonds. I made it through the work day only having to take Advil once, so that’s not too bad. As I stated earlier in this post, I was so exhausted when I came home that I started falling asleep on the couch and ended up taking a 40 minute nap. Let’s just say I went to bed super early that night.

Day 2:

The second day was easier, however, I wasn’t able to get through all the drinks. I was only able to drink half of Brainiac, but luckily, two hours later, I got through Time Machine (ingredients: açai with fresh lemon juice, cayenne, ionized water, and Stevia) and then Flush (ingredients: cucumber, ginger, lemon, and mint with a touch of apple). No raging migraine on day 2, which was a good sign. I was able to get halfway through the fourth drink (After Party) and drank the last two: Warrior and Relax. It was getting harder and harder to be able to drink one every two hours. Just as I was getting through one drink, it was almost time for the next. That’s the whole point, though. To make sure your curbing hunger by spacing it out strategically.

Day 3:

Thank goodness! The last day! “One day closer to coffee” I kept thinking to myself all day. By this point, I was all “juiced” out… I could only handle drinking half of the 6. Time Machine, Flush, and Relax. Warrior, the smoothie, was too thick for me to consume and has way too many chia seeds. My energy level was up and yet another migraine free day. I was ecstatic to be able to drink coffee the next day, though. Day 3 was probably the longest out of them, mainly because it was at the end of the cleanse, and I was itching to have some coffee.

Overall, the cleanse was a good experience, but I won’t be doing it again for a while. I did lose some weight and got rid of all the nasty toxins by doing the cleanse. It was a lot of money to purchase 18 bottles of juices/smoothies for a three-day cleanse through Urban Remedy, however, it’s a great experience for anyone who wants to try it out and to experience it for the first time, or to clean out their system.

Urban Remedy Signature Cleanse Juice and Ingredients (taken from the signature cleanse brochure):

  • Brainiac: Celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, lemon (boosts energy levels)
  • Time Machine: Açai with fresh lemon juice, cayenne, ionized water and Stevia (promotes weight loss and anti-aging)
  • Flush: Cucumber, ginger, lemon, mint juice, and a little apple (flushes excess water and pulls heavy metals from the body)
  • After Party: Beet root, carrot, ginger, apple and lemon (cleanses liver and lowers inflammation)
  • Warrior: Chia seeds, raspberries and Stevia (balance blood sugar, cleanse the colon, and delivers antioxidants)
  • Relax: Live sprouted cashew milk, vanilla and cinnamon (packed with enzymes)

My favorite drink out of the six was Time Machine. It has a little extra kick to it to wake you up:

Time Machine - Urban Remedy

Have you tried the Urban Remedy Signature Cleanse? Leave a comment below detailing how you liked or didn’t like it!

Urban Remedy Signature Cleanse: The Night Before

Today has been a whirlwind of many things. Not only was it my first official day at Marin Magazine as the new Digital Content Editor, but after my first day, I drove on down to Central San Rafael to pick up my three-day Signature Juice Cleanse from Urban Remedy.

What does this juice cleanse consist of? Well, I have to drink 6 drinks per day every two hours. I’m not allowed to consume any processed foods. If I get hungry, I’m only allowed to eat raw vegetables, as well as raw almonds. Oh, I forgot to mention that I CANNOT have coffee… I frankly don’t know what I’m going to do without coffee for three days. I must have one cup per day. We’ll see how I’ll do. I can have green tea with stevia, and drink tons and tons of water with lemon.

Over the next three days, I’ll be documenting the process here on Much Ado About All Things. I’m such a foodie, so I’m hoping I can last the full three days. Just as long as Max (the boyfriend) doesn’t consume goodies in front of my face, I think I’ll be okay.

– Stay Tuned –