
2014 is here! Well, it’s been here for almost 18 days now, and boy are things-a-changin’. First of all, after over two years of dating, Max (my boyfriend) and I are finally moving in together! Yaaaay! We move into our beautiful new apartment next Friday and couldn’t be more excited to see what this next part of our lives has in store for us. Great things are happening for both of us, so who can really complain, right?

Secondly, my mom and I were surprised by not just one family member flying in to visit during the 2013 holiday season, but 3 of them! For Thanksgiving, and a week and a half after, my mom’s cousin and her daughter came to visit. Then, with only about a week and a half break in between, my uncle came to visit for 10 days! It’s just been a frenzy of going places, doing the touristy thing, and having as much fun as possible during the holidays. My uncle had not been to the United States in six years, which is how long it has been since my father passed away.

That’s the other thing I wanted to touch upon briefly. Losing a parent at 18 is the worst thing anyone could ever experience. Losing a parent at any age is the worst thing anyone could ever experience. There are things I have come to accept that my father will never physically see: my engagement (whenever that happens), getting married, having a child, growing older… I’ve had to learn to live with those feelings of yearning for my father at times. The holidays are always especially hard since Thanksgiving and Christmas were his two favorite holidays. The same dream haunts me each time his memorial comes around. Same dream. Same day. Every year.

But, with time comes change; and with change comes good and bad. Right now, I’m very grateful that things are going in my favor. Just goes to show that my father still looks down on his not-so-little girl. There will always be speed bumps, but it’ll all work out in the end.

I figured I’d give you an update as to what’s on my mind and how the holidays were. I hope you all enjoyed your 2013 holiday season and rung in the new year in style! Keep an eye out for the return of the Game Dev Girlfriend blog. Since Max and I will be living together from here on out (*fingers crossed*), I thought it’d be a great opportunity to pick up that blog again. Expect a new blog post on there in the next few weeks, along with a new webcomic.

I bid you all adieu!

Happy 2014!