College is Over?

Well, the time has come… and it went. I know, I know… it’s been way too long since I’ve sat at the computer and blogged for my own funsies. Well, I figured I would update all you loyal followers about my ventures post-SFSU.

First thing’s first: I graduated May 25, 2013 from SFSU. The ceremony was long, but the after-party was awesome. Friends and family who weren’t able to make the ceremony showed up for Leigh’s Graduation Happy Hour at Chevys. It was muy bien! Let’s just say there has been a lot of sleeping in and relaxing since then.

During the recovery time after college, I proceeded to finish the third book in The Hunger Games series (Mockingjay

Just when I was about to take my mom’s advice and just relax for at least two months and not worry about a job, since I have one at Chase Bank as well, I told her that I wanted to apply for one last social media and marketing position locally. Little did I know that they would be interested in having me come in for an interview not three days later.

Long story short, I am currently the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator at Marin Modern Real Estate, located here in San Rafael. Wonderful people and a wonderful company… I am so lucky to be doing what I want to do!

After I got word that I got the job, I officially received my “Yay! You’ve Graduated!” email from SFSU:


Pretty sweet, huh? Now I’m just waiting for the diploma to arrive in the mail. I think it comes next month or something like that.

-Latest update over-

Till next time!

The Next Steps


It’s crazy to think that graduation is just a mere four weeks (five if you count this week) away. I’ve spent almost my whole life in school and it will definitely be weird not to be in school once it’s officially over. What will I do with my life? Will I just be a couch potato for a while? Will the jobs I applied to get back to me..?

Just a whole spew of questions keep popping into my head. Frankly, I don’t really know what’s gonna happen the evening of May 25. Sure there will be happy hour festivities at my local Chevys Fresh Mex, but aside from that, I’m not quite sure. All I know is that the moment I walk up on that stage at SFSU’s graduation ceremony to get my diploma cover (the diploma will arrive about three months later…), I will be so relieved that my undergraduate college career is finally coming to a close.

I mean, what does one really do after graduating from college? Get back into old hobbies? Sure. I’ll bust out my KitchenAid mixer and make some snicker doodles. I’ll definitely get back into blogging for both this blog and Game Dev’s Girlfriend… and just maybe come off a little stronger on the finding a job front.

I’ve been looking for jobs now, but it’s hard to get the interview since I haven’t actually graduated yet. A lot of places seem interested but won’t necessarily work with me for another four weeks until I actually go through commencement. It’s tough sometimes. I know things will work out for me in the end, but all the effort I’m putting in and getting a little to no return from potential employers is frustrating.

Until May 25, I’m stuck in school mode. Two more big projects and a final exam and then I’m done for the semester. All I have to do is make sure I pass all my classes… That should be no problem. 😉